Church Relations
Oconee County Habitat for Humanity is an ecumenical, Christian housing ministry that invites churches in Oconee County to join in this ministry. Many of our local churches support Habitat by contributing towards the building cost of a house, donating property, or providing work crews.
Churches can support OCHFH in a number of ways:
Become aware of families in your congregation who are living in inadequate housing. Help them to apply to partner with Habitat for Humanity for a hand-up to better housing and a better life.
Volunteer. We presently have over 200 volunteers, but we can always use additional hands for many jobs: Construction, landscaping, working in our resale store, family selection, family partnering public awareness, and fundraising.
Donate as the circumstances of your congregation allow. This may be in the form of money, stocks, land or materials. All donations are tax-deductible.
What does a Church Relations Team do?
Team members look for people who can open doors at various churches to get them involved in building houses and recommending persons who need housing.
The 'door openers' can help guide the Church Relations team through the protocol of individual churches.
The team can make arrangements for a presentation to the churches and other civic organizations.
Keep a sharp eye out for persons who are "on fire" and in need of a Habitat home.
Play an active role in the Dedication of Houses.
Remember Church Relations is a process and its success depends on patience, good listening skills, a willingness to try something new and keeping an open mind.